On December 2, 2016 at 21:33(UTC) NASA JPL removed the NEO 2016 WJ1 from the Sentry Risk Table. Whenever an object is posted to one the risk lists (especially if it has a Torino Scale 1 or greater) and it is observable, observers will take a particular interest in it. In the case of 2016 WJ1 many follow-up observations where made and there was a search in archives for precovery observations. From November 24, 2016 to December 2, 2016 through the work of many observers from around the world the number of optical observations went from 68 to 240 and the data-arc span went from 5 days to 4899 days (13.41 yr). This allowed for the calculation of orbital elements with lower uncertainty and NASA JPL rule out potential impacts well into the future. Notice: Neodys risk table list 3 possible impacts 2106-2115.
(as of 2016-12-03 )
(as of 2016-12-03 )
- Object: 2016 WJ1
- Approximate Diameter: 140 m - 310 m (459.318 feet to 1017.06 feet)(Absolute Magnitude: H= 21.382)
- Orbit Type: Apollo [NEO]- Potentially Hazardous Asteroid
- On the Sentry Risk Table: No Removed on 2016-12-02 21:33
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: yes
- NOTE this is NOT a prediction of an impact but rather a statement there is insufficient observational data rule out an impact -- for information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- Torino Scale(NEODyS CLOMON2): 0
- The likelihood of a collision is zero, or is so low as to be effectively zero. Also applies to small objects such as meteors and bodies that burn up in the atmosphere as well as infrequent meteorite falls that rarely cause damage."
- First(Precovery) Observation was made: 2003 07 04.605261
- First(Precovery) Observed By: Mauna Kea (MPC Code 568) The Precovery M.P.E.C.:MPEC 2016-X21 : 2016 WJ1
- Discovery (First) observation was made: 2016 11 19.46522
- Discovery (First )observed by: Mt. Lemmon Survey (MPC Code G96) The Discovery M.P.E.C.: MPEC 2016-W38 : 2016 WJ1
- Last Observation(publish): 2016 12 02.87233
(by Nonndorf, Austria. (MPC Code C47 ) - Data-Arc Span(publish) : 4900 days (13.42 yr)
- Number of Optical Observations(published): 257
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (151) Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur Switzerland.
- (160) Castelmartini,Italy.
- (203) GiaGa Observatory,Italy.
- (246) Klet Observatory-KLENOT, Czech Republic.
- (291) LPL/Spacewatch II,US/Arizona.
- (568) Mauna Kea,US/Hawaii.
- (691) Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak-Spacewatch, US/Arizona.
- (926) Tenagra II Observatory, Nogales,US/Arizona.
- (958) Observatoire de Dax, France.
- (A17) Guidestar Observatory, Weinheim,Germany.
- (A48) Povegliano Veronese,Italy.
- (C47) Nonndorf, Austria.
- (C77) Bernezzo Observatory, Italy.
- (E10) Siding Spring-Faulkes Telescope South, Australia/NSW.
- (F51) Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala, US/Hawaii.
- (G96) Mt. Lemmon Survey, US/Arizona.
- (H06) iTelescope Observatory, Mayhill, US/New Mexico.
- (H21) Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield, US/Illinois.
- (H45) Arkansas Sky Obs., Petit Jean Mountain South, US/Arkansas.
- (I52) Steward Observatory, Mt. Lemmon Station,US/Arizona.
- (J04) ESA Optical Ground Station, Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain).
- (J69) North Observatory, Clanfield,UK.
- (K38) M57 Observatory, Saltrio,Italy.
- (K61) Rokycany Observatory,Czech Republic.
- (K65) Cesena,Italy.
- (K74) Muensterschwarzach Observatory, Schwarzach, Germany.
- (K88) GINOP-KHK, Piszkesteto, Hungary.
- (L04) ROASTERR-1 Observatory, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- (Q62) iTelescope Observatory, Siding Spring, Australia/NSW.
- (T05) ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala, US/Hawaii.
- (T12) Mauna Kea-UH/Tholen NEO Follow-U (2.24-m),US/Hawaii.
- (W25) RMS Observatory, Cincinnati,US/Ohio.
- (W88) Slooh.com Chile Observatory, La Dehesa,Chile.
- (Y28) OASI, Nova Itacuruba, Brazil.
- (Z80) Northolt Branch Observatory,UK..
- Perihelion Distance: 0.6654428764236301 (AU)
- Aphelion Distance: 2.013952506814137 (AU)
- Earth MOID: 0.000339358 AU (0.132 (LD)) or 31,545.297 miles (50,767.234 (KM))
- Close-Approach to Earth: Will safely pass Earth on 2016-December-16 at a Nominal Distance of 0.0538116295342834 (AU) (20.942 (LD)) or 5,004,610.672 miles (8,054,140.158 (KM))
screenshot of Find_Orb showing elements and their uncertainty
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A screenshot of Find_Orb showing orbital elements and uncertainty before the addition of the precovery observation.
(2 observationobservation are rejected as outliers) Orbital elements: 2016 WJ1
Perihelion 2017 Feb 7.453335 +/- 0.0146 TT = 10:52:48 (JD 2457791.953335)
Epoch 2017 Feb 16.0 TT = JDT 2457800.5 Earth MOID: 0.0004 Ve: 0.0023
M 5.42420715 +/- 0.0053 Ma: 0.0027 Find_Orb
n 0.63465774060 +/- 0.000456 Peri. 87.68828816 +/- 0.0057
a 1.34104390016 +/- 0.000642 Node 82.04709113 +/- 0.0023
e 0.5040907493 +/- 0.000384 Incl. 2.89419977 +/- 0.0022
P 1.55/567.22d H 21.3 G 0.15 U 7.6
q 0.66503607568 +/- 0.000196 Q 2.01705172465 +/- 0.00148
233 of 235 observations 2016 Nov. 19-Dec. 1; mean residual 0".32
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A screenshot of Find_Orb showing orbital elements and uncertainty after the addition of the precovery observation.
(2 observationobservation are rejected as outliers)
Orbital elements: 2016 WJ1
Perihelion 2017 Feb 7.484044 +/- 0.000243 TT = 11:37:01 (JD 2457791.984044)
Epoch 2017 Feb 16.0 TT = JDT 2457800.5 Earth MOID: 0.0004 Ve: 0.0024
M 5.41286498 +/- 0.00015 Ma: 0.0027 Find_Orb
n 0.63561447057 +/- 1.52e-7 Peri. 87.67637253 +/- 0.00017
a 1.33969786518 +/- 2.14e-7 Node 82.05217334 +/- 0.00022
e 0.5032874712 +/- 8.64e-7 Incl. 2.88944734 +/- 0.000020
P 1.55/566.37d H 21.3 G 0.15 U 2.3
q 0.66544471439 +/- 1.26e-6 Q 2.01395101596 +/- 8.71e-7
238 of 240 observations 2003 July 4-2016 Dec. 1; mean residual 0".32
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A screenshot of Find_Orb showing orbital elements and uncertainty with all published observation. (2 observationobservation are rejected as outliers)
Orbital elements: 2016 WJ1
Perihelion 2017 Feb 7.484067 +/- 0.000172 TT = 11:37:03 (JD 2457791.984067)
Epoch 2017 Feb 16.0 TT = JDT 2457800.5 Earth MOID: 0.0004 Ve: 0.0024
M 5.41285007 +/- 0.00010 Ma: 0.0027 Find_Orb
n 0.63561448686 +/- 1.18e-7 Peri. 87.67634890 +/- 0.00015
a 1.33969784228 +/- 1.66e-7 Node 82.05222716 +/- 0.00017
e 0.5032875546 +/- 7.26e-7 Incl. 2.88944241 +/- 0.000019
P 1.55/566.37d H 21.3 G 0.15 U 2.1
q 0.66544459133 +/- 1.05e-6 Q 2.01395109323 +/- 7.49e-7
255 of 257 observations 2003 July 4-2016 Dec. 2; mean residual 0".31
- Space Situational Awareness(ESA) -- 2016 WJ1
- Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site--2016 WJ1
- (MPC) Observations --2016 WJ1
- JPL Orbit Diagram --2016 WJ1
- PHA 2016 WJ1 from M57( An Amateur Astrophotography Blog)
- Asteroid 2016 WJ1: to what extent is a threat?(in Italian a with
- NEO Earth Close Approaches (JPL) (up coming)
- JPL's NEO Earth Close-Approaches (Between 1900 A.D. and 2200 A.D- limited to encounters with reasonably low uncertainty)
- The Tracking News
- NEO Coordination Centre
- Speed of Light - Space - Distance Calculator
- Asteroid Hazards: The View from Space(MPC)
- Don’t fear apocalyptic asteroids: you’re safer than you think
- Understanding Risk Pages By Jon Giorgini
- Revised asteroid scale aids understanding of impact risk
- Near Earth Objects Scale Helps Risk Communication
- Dealing With the Impact Hazard: An International Project
- The Palermo Technical Impact Hazard Scale
- An Asteroid as Entered the Blogosphere… Should I Be Worried? A commentary by Steven M. Tilley
- International Asteroid Warning Network
- Impact Risk Assessment: An Introduction - Near-Earth Object Program
- Hazardous NEO Technical Reviews
- Frequently Asked Questions For Impact Risk Assessment
- How to Find an Impact Orbit for the Earth-Asteroid Collision
- The Asteroid/Comet Impact Hazard
- Whom should we call? Data policy for immediate impactors announcements
- NEO Search & Follow-Up
- NEOs' Science pages by Livia Giacomini
- Torino Scale(JPL)
- Find_Orb --- Orbit determination software - Project Pluto
- Guide to Minor Body Astrometry(MPC)
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