
Dec 20, 2015

Where Have Gone you 2015 YB...I am where I should be the inner main-belt

There has been much talk on social media about a bus-size asteroid designate "2015 YB". What made 2015 YB newsworthy was that "know" astrometry(observational data)  when use for orbital calculation generated orbital elements (if valid) predicted a close approach of less than 0.2 lunar distances to Earth. However some of the observational data was erroneous. When other observers from around the try to do followup observation they could not find 2015 YB and starred asking why it was not where it would be if its orbital elements where if valid. So the bad observations where withdrawn, pre-discovery observations located and the designation 2015 YB was retracted  the object was returnd to the NEOCP under its observer-assigned temporary designations.  With the additional observations orbital elements could be generated that show that it has a  Hungaria-type orbit so it is not a NEO. On 2015-12-19 using the new orbital elements  I was able to image a object make observations and report  the observations.  Note objects on the NEOCP are  "preliminary until they appear on an MPEC or MPS" when the new designation  appears on an MPEC or MPS I will publish my images.

However  the designation was retracted  on Friday night (of weekend near Christmas) and  the close approach would have been hours away so many people did not get the word  and (most likely) pre-written stories where post to the net, and then the stories whould be share and re-share. JPL has remove the "phantom" 2015 YB from there web page... they shoud it is  not "real" when  more confirming observations come in to show that it is "real"  the object will get a designation and appear on an MPEC or MPS it will be put back on the JPL web page( I do not work there can not say why it would not be there).

It did not hit the Erth, the two(2014 AA and 2008 TC3) SMALL "asteroid" that where known before hiting Earth have designations and can be found on JPL web page (2014 AA and 2008 TC3) .

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