Jul 2, 2020
0:00 / 4:08 Using Find orb and Guide9 To find the impact location of The NEO 2008 TC
Using Find_orb and Guide9 To find the impact location of The NEO 2008 TC3. Credits The Observations of 2008 TC3 was obtained from the The Minor Planet Center (MPC) The data was examine with Find_Orb Orbit determination software - Project Pluto Text editing done with MS Notepad The impact.tdf graphic was done with MS Paint. The Map was done with Guide9 2008TC3-groundpath-rev Wikimedia Commons Music Way Out West by Twin Musicom is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license ( Artist: Created using Pinnacle Studio Steven M. Tilley A Link to the files MPCOrb.dat, state.txt, and virtual.txt
Jun 27, 2020
A Test of Find_orb and Guide9 with 2014 AA observations
A Test of Find_orb and Guide9 with 2014 AA observations
Jun 19, 2020
A Foofaraw Over a NEO Designated 2018 VP1
Artist's concept of a near-Earth object. Image: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech |
There is a low probability, 1 in 240, that the two-meter 2018 VP1 will strike the Earth's atmosphere and create spectacular fireballs on 2020-11-02. A test with the Imperial College London's Earth Impact Effects Program reports, "The average interval between impacts of this size somewhere on Earth is 0.2 years". In other words, it would be safe to assume objects the size of 2018 VP1 has impacted Earth's atmosphere since 2018-Nov-03, the date of discovery. The Earth Impact Effects Program also suggests that the fireball is unlikely to do any significant damage. NASA JPL list kinetic energy at impact from 2018 VP1[IF ANY] as ~ 0.00042 MegaTons of TNT. The Chelyabinsk event was 0.4 to 0.5 MegaTons of TNT.
Four times in the past, NEOs were observed by observers of asteroids before impact. These four asteroids(2008 TC3,2014 AA, 2018 LA, and 2019 MO) all were on the safe side when it comes to size.
Object | Date of discovery | Date of Impact | Size(M) |
2008 TC3 | 2008-10-06 | 2008-10-07 | 4.1 |
2014 AA | 2014-01-01 | 2014-01-02 | 2–4 |
2018 LA | 2018-06-02 | 2018-06-02 | 2.6–3.8 |
2019 MO | 2019-06-22 | 2019-06-22 | 3–10 |
One of the programs available to the amateur observers of asteroids and comets is Find_Orb.[By Bill Gray] It is useful for calculating approximate ephemeris, determining approximate orbits, generating virtual asteroids, virtual impactors, predicting impact locations, and many other things. It should be noted IF one uses the wrong setting, one gets an incorrect solution. Find_Orb can generate an "asteroid risk corridor" with the help of Guide 9.1.[By Bill Gray]
Find_orb computing Monte Carlo variant orbits for the NEO 2018 VP1. One can use Monte Carlo method to create virtual asteroids. By using orbits of the virtual asteroids one can can see where the "real" asteroid could go. If any of virtual asteroids impact the Earth they become known as virtual impactors and the is 'Non-Zero' probability of the real asteroid hitting the Earth |
My Find_orb Setting
Selecting perturbers | All |
Epoch | 2020-11-01.051 |
Monte Carlo noise | 2 |
Physical model Include | SRP |
Filler out | 3 worst observations |
As a test of concept, I obtained the observations of 2018 VP1 for the Minor Planet Center. I loaded the observations into Find_Orb and had it run the Monte Carlo method all night. Find_orb generated the following files MPCOrb.dat, state.txt, and virtual.txt. These files had orbits for 129,659 virtual asteroids 200 were virtual impactors( about 0.15%). I place a copy of the virtual.txt file in the Guide directory along with a copy of impact.tdf.(Project Pluto) Then Guide could generate a map of an asteroid risk corridor.
An asteroid (fireball) risk corridor of potential impact for the NEO 2018 VP1, the orange dots is where 200 virtual impactors strike the Earth's atmosphere. |
Note: Because there were more than 9 observations, I had to edited virtual.txt to do a workaround. I replace "18 of 21" with "U of O" see edited virtual.txt; this keeps the columns in the right place. I also edited impact.tdf(My) file where I can have more than one risk corridor.
Peter Thomas @ptastro1 also this path of risk for 2018 VP1 on Twitter
@kpheider asked me to calculate a path of risk for #2018VP1. It's only a few meters across but JPL's SENTRY has it at 1 chance in 240 of impacting on Nov 2, 2020 (ESA/NEODys has it at 1 in 400). Path of risk stretches across the Pacific. Calculated with SOLEX 12.1— Peter Thomas (@ptastro1) July 26, 2019
(as of 2020-06-13 )
- Object: 2018 VP1
- Orbit Type: NEO Apollo
- Approximate Diameter: 1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) (Absolute Magnitude: H=30.9)
- On the Sentry Risk Table: YES
- Impact Probability(2020-11-02.05) = 4.1e-3
- 0.41% chance of Earth impact
- 1 in 240 odds of impact
- 99.59% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
- for more information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: YES
- (2020-11-02.051) 5.16e-3
- 0.516%
- 1 in 194
- 99.484% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
- Possible Earth Impact Effects Program of 2018 VP1
- Listed on The Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS):NO
- Listed on the Goldstone Asteroid Radar Schedule:NO
- Listed on the Arecibo Asteroid Radar Schedule:NO
- Radar Observations: none
- Discovery observation was made: 2018 11 03.27284202 5 (By Palomar Mountain--ZTF (MPC Code I41)[ First precovery observation was 2018 11 03.27249502]
- Last Observation(publish) was made: 2018 11 16.24026503 (By Cerro Paranal (MPC Code 309))
- Data-Arc Span (publish): 13 days ( yr)
- Number of Optical Observations(published): 21
- Oppositions: 1
- Number of Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations :5
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (309) Cerro Paranal, Chile.
- (H01) Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro, US/New
- (I41) Palomar Mountain--ZTF, US/California.
- (L01) Višnjan Observatory, Tičan, Croatia.
- (T12) Mauna Kea-UH/Tholen NEO Follow-Up (2.24-m)
- Perihelion Distance: 0.9051326626577225 (AU)
- Aphelion Distance: 2.270308947523921 (AU)
- Earth MOID: 5.54556E-5 (AU), 0.022 (LD), 1.30069951121949 (Earth Radii), (Miles), or 8,296.04 5,154.92 (KM)
- Close-Approach to Earth: Will pass the Earth on 2020-Nov-02 11:33 at a Nominal Distance(Best Fit) of 0.00280167254552464 (AU), 1.09 (LD), 65.71 (Earth Radii), 260,431.733 (Miles), or 419,124.247(KM). "IF" the Earth was the Size of a Basketball flyby would be 25.53 feet ( 7.78 meters) away
- Close-Approach to Earth Uncertainty:
- Distance (Maximum Distance (au) - Minimum Distance (au)): 0.0256085074009903 - 3.90766585857012e-05 = 0.02556943074(AU) 9.951(LD) or 3,825,132.39 KM( 2,376,827.07 Miles)
- Time Uncertainty: (minutes) 4750.56847240545 ( 3 Days 7 Hours 11
Minutes) - Object velocity relative to Earth at close-approach [V-relative] (KM/S): 9.71114662839966
- Object velocity relative to a massless Earth at close-approach[V-infinity](KM/S):9.61271582257126
- Visibility:
- Naked Eye Visibility:NO
- Peak Magnitude: 17.1
- 2018 VP1 Ephemerides(Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site - NEODyS - SpaceDyS)
Also see
Note this has been edit to fix links and know typos.
Jun 14, 2020
2018 VP1 Information Sheet-- "1 in 240" Odds of a Fireball on 2020-11-02 or ."99.59% chance the asteroid will MISS the Earth"
2018 VP1 Information Sheet-- "1 in 240" Odds of a Fireball on 2020-11-02 or ."99.59% chance the asteroid will MISS the Earth"
This artist's concept shows a broken-up asteroid. Image: Courtesy NASA/JPL-Caltech |
Throughout the year, very small rocks strick the Earth's atmosphere and creating spectacular fireballs. Most of these rocks travel through space unknown to habitats of Earth until they strick the atmosphere. If we are lucky, the fireball will be seen and reported. If we are really lucky, the fireballs will be capture on film. The most vast majority of fireballs are of no danger what so ever. Most fireballs are like rainbows in that they are cool. Four times in the past, these rocks travel through the field of vision of an asteroid observer before impact. Observation was taken. The rocks were given designations, like 2014 AA( i.e., the first discovery of the first half of January in 2014), and the rocks "became" asteroids. These four asteroids were on the safe side when it comes to size.
In the first half of November 2018, an asteroid was discovered and give the designation 2018 VP1. This asteroid is very small[1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) ]. This asteroid was only observed 21 times over 13 days.
In the first half of November 2018, an asteroid was discovered and give the designation 2018 VP1. This asteroid is very small[1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) ]. This asteroid was only observed 21 times over 13 days.
In orbit determination, one calculation what orbit will place the object in the sky where it was seen. If one knows an object's orbit, it knows where it is going and where it will be in the sky. All observations are "imperfect," so there will be many similar orbits. If one were to create virtual asteroids for each of the similar orbits and did a simulation, one would see over time. The virtual asteroids move apart from each other to create an uncertainty region. The real asteroid is somewhere within the uncertainty region. When doing the simulation, if any of the virtual asteroids impact the Earth, they become virtual impactors, and there is 'Non-Zero' probability of the real asteroid hitting the Earth. By calculating the percentage of virtual impactors to virtual asteroids, one can calculate the risk of impact.
There is a very low-risk impact 2018 VP1 will on 2020-11-02. However, it must be restarted this asteroid is very small[1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) ]. We have a fireball this size about two times a year.
There is a very low-risk impact 2018 VP1 will on 2020-11-02. However, it must be restarted this asteroid is very small[1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) ]. We have a fireball this size about two times a year.
Also see Sentry: Earth Impact Monitoring
Find_orb computing Monte Carlo variant orbits for the NEO 2018 VP1. One can use Monte Carlo method to create virtual asteroids. By using orbits of the virtual asteroids one can can see where the "real" asteroid could go. If any of virtual asteroids impact the Earth they become known as virtual impactors and the is 'Non-Zero' probability of the real asteroid hitting the Earth |
@kpheider asked me to calculate a path of risk for #2018VP1. It's only a few meters across but JPL's SENTRY has it at 1 chance in 240 of impacting on Nov 2, 2020 (ESA/NEODys has it at 1 in 400). Path of risk stretches across the Pacific. Calculated with SOLEX 12.1— Peter Thomas (@ptastro1) July 26, 2019
(as of 2020-06-13 )
- Object: 2018 VP1
- Orbit Type: NEO Apollo
- Approximate Diameter: 1.8 m - 3.9 m ( 5.90551 to 12.79528 feet) (Absolute Magnitude: H=30.9)
- On the Sentry Risk Table: YES
- Impact Probability(2020-11-02.05) = 4.1e-3
- 0.41% chance of Earth impact
- 1 in 240 odds of impact
- 99.59% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
- for more information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: YES
- (2020-11-02.051) 5.16e-3
- 0.516%
- 1 in 194
- 99.484% chance the asteroid will miss the Earth
- Possible Earth Impact Effects Program of 2018 VP1
- Listed on The Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS):NO
- Listed on the Goldstone Asteroid Radar Schedule:NO
- Listed on the Arecibo Asteroid Radar Schedule:NO
- Radar Observations:
- Discovery observation was made: 2018 11 03.27284202 5 (By Palomar Mountain--ZTF (MPC Code I41)[ First precovery observation was 2018 11 03.27249502]
- Last Observation(publish) was made: 2018 11 16.24026503 (By Cerro Paranal (MPC Code 309))
- Data-Arc Span (publish): 13 days ( yr)
- Number of Optical Observations(published): 21
- Oppositions: 1
- Number of Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations :5
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (309) Cerro Paranal, Chile.
- (H01) Magdalena Ridge Observatory, Socorro, US/New
- (I41) Palomar Mountain--ZTF, US/California.
- (L01) Višnjan Observatory, Tičan, Croatia.
- (T12) Mauna Kea-UH/Tholen NEO Follow-Up (2.24-m)
- Perihelion Distance: 0.9051326626577225 (AU)
- Aphelion Distance: 2.270308947523921 (AU)
- Earth MOID: 5.54556E-5 (AU), 0.022 (LD), 1.30069951121949 (Earth Radii), (Miles), or 8,296.04 5,154.92 (KM)
- Close-Approach to Earth: Will pass the Earth on 2020-Nov-02 11:33 at a Nominal Distance(Best Fit) of 0.00280167254552464 (AU), 1.09 (LD), 65.71 (Earth Radii), 260,431.733 (Miles), or 419,124.247(KM). "IF" the Earth was the Size of a Basketball flyby would be 25.53 feet ( 7.78 meters) away
- Close-Approach to Earth Uncertainty:
- Distance (Maximum Distance (au) - Minimum Distance (au)): 0.0256085074009903 - 3.90766585857012e-05 = 0.02556943074(AU) 9.951(LD) or 3,825,132.39 KM( 2,376,827.07 Miles)
- Time Uncertainty: (minutes) 4750.56847240545 ( 3 Days 7 Hours 11
Minutes) - Object velocity relative to Earth at close-approach [V-relative] (KM/S): 9.71114662839966
- Object velocity relative to a massless Earth at close-approach[V-infinity](KM/S):9.61271582257126
- Visibility:
- Naked Eye Visibility:NO
- Peak Magnitude: 17.1
- 2018 VP1 Ephemerides(Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site - NEODyS - SpaceDyS)
Jun 10, 2020
441987 (2010 NY65) Information Sheet (2020)
441987 (2010 NY65) Information Sheet (2020)
441987 (2010 NY65) Earth Distance: 0.025 au Sun Distance: 1.013 au 2020-06-24 06:44 UTC JPL Small-Body Database Browser Orbit Diagram for 441987 (2010 NY65) |
441987 (2010 NY65) Earth Distance: 0.025 au Sun Distance: 1.013 au 2020-06-24 06:44 UTC JPL Small-Body Database Browser Orbit Diagram for 441987 (2010 NY65) |
441987 (2010 NY65) Earth Distance: 0.025 au Sun Distance: 1.013 au 2020-06-24 06:44 UTC JPL Small-Body Database Browser Orbit Diagram for 441987 (2010 NY65) |
(as of 2020-06-09 )
- Object: 441987 (2010 NY65)
- Orbit Type: Apollo [NEO, PHA]
- Approximate Diameter: 140 m - m 310 (459.318 to 1017.06 feet) (Absolute Magnitude: H= 21.4)
- Rotation Period: 4.9706 hour
- On the Sentry Risk Table: NO Removed from Sentry 2010-08-05 09:54:55 for more information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- On the NEODyS CLOMON2 risk page: NO
- Listed on The Near-Earth Object Human Space Flight Accessible Targets Study (NHATS): NO
- Listed on the Goldstone Asteroid Radar Schedule:YES
- Listed on the Arecibo Asteroid Radar Schedule:YES
- Radar Observations:
- First observation 2014-06-26
- Last observation 2016-06-26
- Delay : 9 [Discarded: 1]
- Doppler: 3[Discarded 0]
- Total: 12[Total Discarded:1]
- Discovery observation was made: 2010 07 14.14345 (By WISE (MPC Code C51)
- Last Observation(publish) was made: 019 07 21.318819 (By Palomar Mountain--ZTF (MPC Code I41 ))
- Data-Arc Span (publish): 3294 days (9.02 yr)
- Number of Optical Observations(published): 695
- Oppositions: 8
- Number of Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations : 42
- Observatories Reporting (Published) Observations(MPC Code):
- (089) Nikolaev, Ukraine.
- (104) San Marcello Pistoiese,Italy.
- (130) Lumezzane, Italy.
- (160) Castelmartini, Italy.
- (203) GiaGa Observatory, Italy.
- (204) Schiaparelli Observatory, Italy.
- (291) LPL/Spacewatch II, US/Arizona.
- (511) Haute Provence, France.
- (568) Mauna Kea, US/Hawaii.
- (654) Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood-PHMC, US/California.
- (691) Steward Observatory, Kitt Peak - Spacewatch US/Arizona.
- (703) Catalina Sky Survey, US/Arizona.
- (B18) Terskol, Russia.
- (B38) Santa Mama, Italy.
- (C23) Olmen, Belgium.
- (C51) WISE
- (C77) Bernezzo Observatory, Italy.
- (D29) Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station, China.
- (F51) Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala, US/Hawaii.
- (G34) Oberfrauendorf, Germany.
- (G45) Space Surveillance Telescope, Atom Site, US/New Mexico.
- (G96) Mt. Lemmon Survey, US/Arizona.
- (H06) iTelescope observatories, Mayhill, US/New
- (H21) Astronomical Research Observatory, Westfield US/Illinois
- (H45) Arkansas Sky Obs., Petit Jean Mountain South, US/Arkansas.
- (I15) Wishing Star Observatory, Barrington, US/Rhode Island.
- (I41) Palomar Mountain--ZTF,US/California.
- (J43) Oukaïmeden Observatory, Marrakech, Morocco.
- (J69) North Observatory, Clanfield,UK.
- (K38) M57 Observatory, Saltrio, Italy.
- (K83) Beppe Forti Astronomical Observatory, Montelupo, Italy.
- (K91) Sutherland-LCO A, South Africa
- (L04) ROASTERR-1 Observatory, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
- (T05) ATLAS-HKO, Haleakala, US/Hawaii. Observers
- (T08) ATLAS-MLO, Mauna Loa,US/Hawaii.
- (V04) FRoST, Anderson Mesa, US/Arizona.
- (W34) Squirrel Valley Observatory, Columbus, US/North Carolina.
- (W71) Rand II Observatory, Lake Placid, US/New York.
- (Y00) SONEAR Observatory, Oliveira ,Brazil.
- (Z21) Tenerife-LCO Aqawan A {#}1 Canary Islands (Spain).
- (Z35) OAO University Observatory Station Aras,Spain.
- (Z80) Northolt Branch Observatory, UK.
- Perihelion Distance: 0.6304923524460032 (AU)
- Aphelion Distance: 1.371788294334597 (AU)
- Earth MOID: 0.017471 (AU), 6.7991956311354 (LD), 409.77865464 (Earth Radii), 1,624,030.9 (Miles), or 2,613,624.4(KM)
- Close-Approach to Earth: Will safely pass Earth on 2020-Jun-24 at a Nominal Distance of 0.0251191828007878 (AU), 9.7756418039498 (LD), 589.165 (Earth Radii), 2,334,973.91 (Miles), or 3,757,776.3 (KM). "IF" the Earth was the Size of a Basketball flyby would be 228.7 feet ( 166.8 meters) away
- Close-Approach to Earth Uncertainty:
- Distance (Maximum Distance (au) - Minimum Distance (au)): 0.025119195566403- 0.0251191700351812 = 2.55312E-08 or 3.8 KM(2.37 Miles)
- Time Uncertainty (minutes):0.000771792121408675
- Object velocity relative to Earth at close-approach [V-relative] (KM/S): 12.89
- Object velocity relative to a massless Earth at close-approach[V-infinity](KM/S): 12.88
- Visibility:
- Naked Eye Visibility:NO
- Peak Magnitude: 16.7 on 27 June 2020
- (441987) 2010NY65 Ephemerides(Near Earth Objects Dynamic Site - NEODyS - SpaceDyS)
- What is Need to Observe: a large amateur telescope and CCD.
- The Asteroid Lightcurve Database
- Asteroid Radar Research
- Minor Planet Radar Database
- Near-Earth Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Center for Solar System Studies: 2019 July-September
- NEOWISE Studies of Spectrophotometrically Classified Asteroids: Preliminary Results
Note this was edited for formatting and adding infomation.
Jun 4, 2020
163348 (2002 NN4) Information Sheet
The asteroid 163348 (2002 NN4) has been in the news recently. It passed "under" Earth's orbit on 2020-06-03 and Earth will pass over its orbit on 2020-06-05 and the close approach will be 2020-Jun-06 03:20 (UTC).
163348 (2002 NN4) Earth Distance: 0.034 au Sun Distance: 1.036 au 2020-06-06 03:20 UTC;old=0;orb=1;cov=0;log=0;cad=1#orb |
(as of 2020-06-04)
- Object: 163348 (2002 NN4)
- Orbit Type: Aten [NEO, PHA]
- Approximate Diameter: 250 m - 570 m (820.21 feet to 1870.08) (Absolute Magnitude: H= 20.1)[ Neowise estimates 2002NN4 to be 700 meters in diameter.]
- On the Sentry Risk Table: NO In fact is has never been listed on Sentry for more information read Understanding Risk Pages by Jon Giorgini
- First(Precovery) Observation was made: 2002 07 02.44600(By Palomar Mountain/NEAT, (MPC Code 644)
- Discovery observation was made:2002 07 09.32451 (By Lincoln Laboratory ETS, New Mexico. (MPC Code 704)
- Last Observation(publish): 2016 08 28.84488 (By Castelmartini) (MPC Code 160)
- Data-Arc Span (publish): 5171 days
- (046) Kleť Observatory, Ceske Budejovice, Czech
- (104) San Marcello Pistoiese, Italy.
- (106) Črni Vrh, Slovenia.
- (113) Drebach, Germany.
- (130) Lumezzane, Italy.
- (151) Eschenberg Observatory, Winterthur, Switzerland.
- (160) Castelmartini, Italy.
- (176) Observatori Astronomic de Consell, Spain.
- (198) Wildberg, Germany.
- (203) GiaGa Observatory, Italy.
- (204) Schiaparelli Observatory, Italy.
- (240) Herrenberg Sternwarte, Germany.
- (246) Klet Observatory-KLENOT, Czech Republic.
- (291) LPL/Spacewatch II, US/Arizona.
- (355) Hadano, Japan.
- (422) Loomberah, Australia/NSW.
- (448) Desert Moon, US/New Mexico.
- (473) Remanzacco, Italy.
- (557) Ondřejov, Czech Republic.
- (560) Madonna di Dossobuono, Italy.
- (568) Mauna Kea, US/Hawaii.
- (587) Sormano, Italy.
- (595) Farra d'Isonzo, Italy.
- (611) Starkenburg (N49.647790 E8.653100) Germany.
- (620) Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca, Spain.
- (644) Palomar Mountain (NEAT),US/California.
- (649) Powell Observatory, Louisburg, US/Kansas.
- (671) Stony Ridge
- (673) Table Mountain Observatory, Wrightwood, US/California.
- (703) Catalina Sky Survey, US/Arizona.
- (704) Lincoln Observatory ETS, New Mexico, US/New Mexico.
- (715) Las Cruces,US/New Mexico.
- (734) Farpoint Observatory, Eskridge, US/Kansas.
- (848) Tenagra Observatory, Cottage Grove, US/Oregon.
- (926) Tenagra II, US/Arizona.
- (966) Church Stretton, UK.
- (A16) Tentlingen, Switzerland.
- (A17) Guidestar Observatory, Weinheim, Germany.
- (A24) New Millennium Observatory, Italy
- (B38) Santa Mama, Italy.
- (C51) WISE.
- (D29) Purple Mountain Observatory, XuYi Station, China.
- (F51) Pan-STARRS 1, Haleakala,US/Hawaii.
- (H45) Arkansas Sky Obs., Petit Jean Mountain South. US/Arkansas.
- (H55) Astronomical Research Observatory, Charleston, US/Illinois.
- (J95) Great Shefford, UK
- (Z52) The Studios Observatory, Grantham, UK.
- Perihelion Distance: 0.4955781402508977(AU)
- Aphelion Distance: 1.257210521695571(AU)
- Earth MOID: 0.00693791(AU), 2.7 (LD), 162.727229457(Earth Radii), 644,919.024 (Miles), or 1,037,896.563 (KM)
- Close-Approach to Earth: Will safely pass Earth on 2020-Jun-06 03:20 at a Nominal Distance of 0.0340470945348114 (AU), 13.25(LD), 798.56748858316973383 (Earth Radii), 3,164,875.1578(Miles), or 5,093,372.846(KM). "IF" the Earth was the Size of a Basketball the (163348) 2002 NN4 flyby would be 309.92 feet (94.46 meters) away
Edited for typo
May 30, 2020
Apr 8, 2020
Confirmation Images of COMET C/2020 F5 (MASTER) on 2020-04-05 from Siding Spring Observatory Australia (MPC Q62)
Confirmation Images of COMET C/2020 F5 (MASTER) on 2020-04-05 from Siding Spring Observatory Australia (MPC Q62)
Congratulations to
Y. Kechin, S. Bodrov, V. Lipunov, E. Gorbovskoy, N. Tiurina, P. Balanutsa, A. Kuznetsov, I. Gorbunov, F. Balakin, D. Zimnukhov, V. Kornilov, R. Podesta, F. Podesta, H. Levato, A. Krylov, C. Francile.
MASTER-OAFA Observatory, San Juan, Argentina (MPC Code W92)
MPEC 2020-G73 : COMET C/2020 F5 (MASTER)
The targeting information was obtained from the
The Minor Planet Center (MPC)
The images where taken with's
T30 (0.50-m f/6.8 reflector + CCD) Siding Spring Observatory Australia (MPC Q62)
Data reduction, a stacked image, Image blinking, and the object verification windows was done with Astrometrica
Image blinking and a stacked image was done with CCDStack2
The data was examine with the help of
Find_Orb Orbit determination software - Project Pluto
(c) Steven M. Tilley
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